So I don't know about all of you other mom's out there, but it seems as though Mikayla decides she wants me just when I am needing to get dressed and ready for the day. Why is that? I beg her to snuggle with me ALL DAY, and the time I need her to play by herself is the time she decides to be needy. Well, I have a trick, which may not be any big "ah-ha" moment to any of you, but it sure has helped me over the last several months.
Set aside certain toys that your child can't play with regularly, and bring them out when you need to get ready, or get something done. For us, right now, that is Mikayla's blocks and her disney princess matching game. She LOVES to play with these, and because she doesnt have access to them regularly, they tend to keep her occupied when I pull them out of the cupboard (even if it is just for 15 minutes). I sometimes will give her mixing bowls and spoons and she will pretend to cook with them as well.
Also, Mikayla has a drawer of things she can play with in both my bathroom and the kitchen. That tends to help as well, because she typically likes to be in the same room that I am in.
Like I said, this may be a no brainer to most of you, but I know that sometimes its the most simple things that escape the brain of a mommy!
Do you have any tips that keep you sane when you are needing to get something done?
Usually I just give Sarah a mirror and some makeup and she leaves me alone for hours!